The Strawn ISD Board of Trustees has named Dewaine Lee as lone finalist for Superintendent. "I am excited for this new opportunity in my 27 year career as Athletic Director and Coach, for the chance to expand my endeavors in this new capacity for Strawn ISD. I look forward to working closely with our community, teachers, and students to continue our path towards excellence." - Dewaine Lee
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
Dewaine lee named lone finalist for SISD Superintendent
SISD Joint Statement of the Board Mr. Richard Mitchell has announced his resignation as Superintendent of Schools for the Strawn Independent School District. On behalf of the entire District, the Board of Trustees expresses its sincere appreciation to Mr. Mitchell for his efforts while serving as Superintendent and for the many achievements and accomplishments of the entire District team during Mr. Mitchell's tenure as Superintendent.
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
SISD Joint Statement of the Board
We've got Prom tonight, then we'll be in our last week of school! We have a lot going on these last few days, including MANY ways to honor our hard-working students!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
may 24-28 schedule
First Grade learned, experimented, and played with bubbles today! Visit our Facebook page for more photos!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
first grade plays with bubbles
first grade plays with bubbles
first grade plays with bubbles
first grade plays with bubbles
Ms. Harris's third grade scientists proudly presented their experiments today! Each student chose his own experiment, researched it, and brought materials today to perform the experiment in front of the class. They had to be able to explain what materials they used, what they were doing, and why the end result occurred. Visit our Facebook page for more photos!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
Max with his experiment
Elijah with his solar oven
Alicia with her homemade rain storm
Julius with his volcano
Strawn ISD Prom is this Friday, May 21st, at the Strawn Lexington Events Center! 6:30-7:00 Parents welcome to come take pictures 7:00-11:30 Dancing, Games, and Fun (Casino games 7-10) 11:30 Prize Drawings
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
The safety and well-being of our students and staff members will always be our top priority. We are looking forward to a strong finish to the 2020-2021 school year, and we are excited for what the 2021-2022 school year has in store!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
Continued COVID-19 Protocols
Please return all library books by Friday, May 21st, so we have all titles accounted for and can complete inventory! Thank you! If you cannot find your book, please contact Mrs. Ellis. (254) 672-5776
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
all library books due Friday
Don't miss out; pre-order your yearbook for only $30 today! To order online, visit and use Yearbook ID 12471021. You can also pay with cash or check (payable to Strawn ISD). Contact Mrs. Ellis with any questions! (254) 672-5776
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
Don't miss out; pre-order your yearbook for only $30 today! To order online, visit and use Yearbook ID 12471021. You can also pay with cash or check (payable to Strawn ISD). Contact Mrs. Ellis with any questions!  (254) 672-5776
We love our Seniors! Graduation is Friday, May 28th, at 7:00 PM!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
We love our Seniors!  Graduation is Friday, May28th, at 7:00 PM!
Strawn ISD will be closed Friday, May 14th, and Monday, May 17th, for Bad Weather Days that were not utilized this school year. Have a safe, long weekend, and we will see you back at regular time on Tuesday, May 18th!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
bad weather days
Allyssa Mahone is the 2021 Class 1A Discus State Champion! Congratulations!
over 3 years ago, Strawn ISD
bella Mahone- state discus champ!
High School Students: If you are bringing a PROM date from another school, please make sure your form is turned in Monday! You can find another copy of the form here:
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Next Week's STAAR Testing Schedule: Tuesday: Grades 3-8 Mathematics Wednesday: Grades 3-8 Reading Thursday: Grade 5 Science
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Next Week's STAAR Testing Schedule
Good luck to Bella Mahone & Luke Eli as they compete at the State Track Meet in Austin!
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Bella Mahone
Luke Eli
COVER REVEAL! Our cover this year is neat & clean, with a bold Olde English font as a nod to the past. We are a town full of traditions. We continue these while making our own and adding to our story. We are the Greyhounds, and we are just getting started. We've already sold about a third of our yearbooks, and they're not even here yet! Don't miss out; pre-order yours for only $30 today! To order online, visit and use Yearbook ID 12471021. You can also pay with cash or check (payable to Strawn ISD). Contact Mrs. Ellis with any questions! (254) 672-5776
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
30% sold already
cover reveal
Remember that THIS FRIDAY is the last day to turn in everything for your Senior page in the yearbook! Seniors leaving early for State Track - you're especially running out of time! Get your photos and payment in to Mrs. Ellis ASAP. (254) 672-5776
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
2 days left to turn in everything for your Senior page in the yearbook.
It's Teacher Appreciation Week! We are blessed to have some amazing teachers here at Strawn ISD. Thank you for showing up daily to make a difference in the lives of our children. Your work and dedication do not go unnoticed. Take a moment this week to thank a teacher in your life!
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Teacher Appreciation Week
Seniors, turn in your senior page photos and payment to Mrs. Ellis before the end of the day Friday! If you're leaving early for State Track, get those turned in before you go. You're almost out of time!
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Last week to turn in senior page info and payment
It's Principal Appreciation Day! Here's to our wonderful principal, Mrs. Cormack, who genuinely cares about our students. She serves not only as principal, but also as math teacher, bus driver, playground monitor, cheer sponsor, and more! Thank you for your service to our children, school, and community.
almost 4 years ago, Strawn ISD
Cormack - Principal Appreciation Day