Strawn ISD Administration


Strawn ISD
224 E. Walnut St. P O Box 428
Strawn, TX 76475

Central Office:
Main: (254)672-5313
Fax: (254)672-5662

Principal's Office:
Main: (254)672-5776
Fax: (254)672-5389

Dewaine Lee, Superintendent

Melanie Cormack, Principal

Jessica Mallory, Counselor

Denise Lee, Athletic Director

Katie Lynn, Business Manager

Carla Beyer, Student Records

School Board of Trustees

January is School Board Recognition Month. Let us thank our School Board of Education for their extraordinary service to our Strawn ISD students and staff!  Tina Spakes, President  Craig Abbott, Vice President  Shannon Stoker, Secretary  Jessica Mallory  Brandy Sizemore  Chris Nuñez  Brad Couger

Chris Nunez, President

Jessica Mallory, Vice President

Shannon Stoker, Secretary

James Miller

Lauren Hopkins

Melissa Vasquez

Vanessa Hodgkins